Samurai Spirits Zero Special Japanese AES (unfixed)
Samurai Spirits Zero Special Japanese AES (unfixed),Buy Samurai Spirits Zero Special (Original Recalled / Reprogrammed) SNK Neo Geo AES Video Games on the Store | Auctions | Japan | NGH-272 | サムライスピリッツ零 SPECIAL | Best Deals at the Lowest Price,Samurai Spirits Zero Special for Neo Geo,Buy Samurai Spirits Zero Special (Original Recalled / Reprogrammed) SNK Neo Geo AES Video Games on the Store | Auctions | Japan | NGH-272 | サムライスピリッツ零 SPECIAL | Best Deals at the Lowest Price,サムスピ零スペシャルオープニング(Samurai Spirits Zero Special: Samurai Shodown V SP OPENING) - YouTube