KAWS - BIG MOON - Limited Edition Lamp. *SOLD* - New Art Editions
KAWS - BIG MOON - Limited Edition Lamp. *SOLD* - New Art Editions,hypeart: @arr.allrightsreserved has unveiled the “BIG MOON Lamp,” serving as an extension of the 11th stop of of KAWS:HOLIDAY in Shanghai. Crafted from vinyl and mixed media, the lamp stands at,The KAWS Holiday Big Moon Lamp (8 inches) is set to drop on September 15th via the DDT Store for approximately $600 via @ddtstore. This collectible lamp is part of the KAWS:HOLIDAY,Big Moon : r/kaws,Good night! Looking forward to Shanghai @KAWS @ARR.AllRightsReserved @DDTStore #KAWS #KAWSHOLIDAY #AllRightsReserved #DDTStore